DNA origin report (Piotr Kapuscinski)

"DNA origin analysis based on the provided files (raw DNA data). This analysis will show you where your ancestors lived 900–700 years ago (Standard Report) and 500–400 years ago (Recent Report). Both reports are included together for one price : 12 EUR. This analysis examines your ancestry from 2114 regional populations worldwide within 190 countries.Stripe

This report is not based on G25 but on Piotr's own methodology related to ADMIXTURE."

Below a few examples :

After confirming your email address, you will be redirected to a page to upload your raw DNA file and then to Stripe/Paypal for the payment, then if the payment is successfull you will be notified once your report is ready within 3 working days.

Please fill up the form below if you want to order your report :