2 Way G25 modeling |
G25 modeling using 2 modern populations |
Admixture Studio |
DNA Modeling tool |
AndreiDNA parent file imputation tool |
If you have the raw genome file of a child, and one of their parents, this tool can help reconstruct the genotype of the second parent |
Coverter of K36 Gedmatch Results into G25 coordinates |
Tool to convert yours K36 Gedmatch results into G25 simulated coordinates |
Create ghost populations with G25 coordinates |
Tool to generate G25-based ghost populations coordinates |
Custom PCA |
Run PCA analysis, project samples onto predefined space and create interactive PCA plots. |
Eyecolor Prediction Tool |
Predict Eye color from DNA raw data (Ancestry, Myheritage...) |
G25 Averages |
Tool to generate G25 averages. |
G25 modeling using a Python script |
G25 modeling based on an open source Python script |
G25-Based similitud MAP |
Based on Davidski Datasheet + French averages of Explore your DNA Project |
Gedmatch results converter for Vahaduo |
Tool to convert yours gedmatch results into a format compatibole with Vahaduo. |
GPS Ancestry |
Locate your ancestry on a map |
K13/K15/K36/G25 Many to Average Converter |
Tool to generate averages |
K15 plotter (automatic) |
Automatic version of Tolan's K15 plotter |
PCA G25 Vahaduo |
Tool to generate G25-Based PCAs |
Raw DNA to Simulated G25 |
Generate simulated G25 coordinates directly from your raw DNA file |
Similitud K36 Map (Tolan) |
Tool to generate Tolan K36 similitud map |
SNP Tracker |
Tool to follow Haplogroups |
Superkit Generator |
Merge your raw DNA from differents compnanies into one Superkit |
The Shared cM Project |
Tool to evaluate shared DNA between 2 individuals. |
Vahaduo |
Rapid estimation of admixture proportions and calculation of Euclidean distances. |