
Below a list of tools that may help you to explore your DNA :

Name Description
2 Way G25 modeling G25 modeling using 2 modern populations
Admixture Studio DNA Modeling tool
AndreiDNA parent file imputation tool If you have the raw genome file of a child, and one of their parents, this tool can help reconstruct the genotype of the second parent
Coverter of K36 Gedmatch Results into G25 coordinates Tool to convert yours K36 Gedmatch results into G25 simulated coordinates
Create ghost populations with G25 coordinates Tool to generate G25-based ghost populations coordinates
Custom PCA Run PCA analysis, project samples onto predefined space and create interactive PCA plots.
Eyecolor Prediction Tool Predict Eye color from DNA raw data (Ancestry, Myheritage...)
G25 Averages Tool to generate G25 averages.
G25 modeling using a Python script G25 modeling based on an open source Python script
G25-Based similitud MAP Based on Davidski Datasheet + French averages of Explore your DNA Project
Gedmatch results converter for Vahaduo Tool to convert yours gedmatch results into a format compatibole with Vahaduo.
GPS Ancestry Locate your ancestry on a map
K13/K15/K36/G25 Many to Average Converter Tool to generate averages
K15 plotter (automatic) Automatic version of Tolan's K15 plotter
PCA G25 Vahaduo Tool to generate G25-Based PCAs
Raw DNA to Simulated G25 Generate simulated G25 coordinates directly from your raw DNA file
Similitud K36 Map (Tolan) Tool to generate Tolan K36 similitud map
SNP Tracker Tool to follow Haplogroups
Superkit Generator Merge your raw DNA from differents compnanies into one Superkit
The Shared cM Project Tool to evaluate shared DNA between 2 individuals.
Vahaduo Rapid estimation of admixture proportions and calculation of Euclidean distances.