Tracing social mechanisms and interregional connections in Early Bronze Age Societies in Lower Austria

Tracing social mechanisms and interregional connections in Early Bronze Age Societies in Lower Austria

In this study, we present the results of archaeogenetic investigations of Early Bronze Age individuals from Lower Austria, specifically associated with the Unetice and Unterwoelbling cultural groups. Through analysing newly generated genome-wide data of 138 individuals, we explore the social structure and genetic relationships within and between these communities. Our results reveal a predominantly patrilocal society with non-strict female exogamic practices. Additionally, Identity-by-Descent (IBD) analysis detects long-distance genetic connections, emphasizing the complex network of interactions in Central Europe during this period. Despite shared social dynamics, notable genetic distinctions emerge between the Unetice and Unterwoelbling groups. These insights contribute to our understanding of Bronze Age population interconnections and call for a nuanced interpretation of social dynamics in this historical context.